
Be Funny In Five Easy Ways

By Ethan Garrett

As the saying goes, "Laughter is the best medicine", and the ability to make sick people laugh means you are indeed good at it. Considering that ill people are most often serious because of the body pains they are experiencing, making them laugh is difficult (plus the fact that some of them could be grumpy and easily annoyed). Then, of course, you need to consider the appropriateness of the jokes in terms of audience, theme, and location. Everything can be learned and you just need to practice in order to be successful at it.

To start with, you might want to check what topics make people laugh. Are they interested in politics? Do they laugh at day-to-day reality events? How about office humor? As you can see, you can get ideas from various sources, thus, you can develop your own material based on them.

Understand the basics of making people laugh. Even if your goal of making laugh has nothing to do with professional work, you still need to understand the rules on how to make people laugh effectively. Primary of these reasons is timing and meaning of the joke. You have to know when is the right time to deliver the punch otherwise, the joke falls flat and instead of amusement, you will come out as corny. In addition, you should be able to understand various contextual meanings of your joke so you can deliver it using different techniques.

Context is another way of changing the way a joke is delivered. When you thoroughly understand the joke, you can deliver the joke in various viewpoints, thus further adding color to the joke.

You should also consider your audience demographics. Are there children in the group? Is it for general patronage or targeted to mature audience only? Are they sensitive to jokes pertaining to gender, religious affiliation, or political memberships? Remember to apply these rules when coming up with your jokes as you might be branded as discriminatory. Likewise, even if your purpose for making people laugh is not for professional reasons, these rules also apply.

One thing that comedians must develop is wit. You would be surprised that so many of them can throw punch lines at each other and still have a hold of their own individual personalities. If you are wondering how or where they got their wittiness, it is actually the effect of being a well read and observant person. Knowing what is happening in your surroundings, the latest gossip in tinsel town, or the world in general helps them all deliver their comments with good witticism.

Lastly, do your best to deliver your jokes as naturally as you can. When you are trying too hard to please your audience, the more the joke comes out as fake and corny. The key is to practice in front of a mirror and observe how you look like when you tell your jokes. This will help minimize any awkward moments in your act.

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