
Clothes That Should Be Avoided When Going To A Nightclub With Dress Code

By Justine Pearson

Dress code is necessary to some nightclubs especially the classy ones. Some club owners provide their customer with the guidelines on what are the types of attires that are allowed in his club. But some don't provide one, making them more flexible on their decision making. Club owners only give the club's dress code guidelines to their bouncer and instruct them to make a good judgment. You may encounter incidents that a particular hat of yours is allowed one night then in the next couple of nights it isn't anymore. But still as a person going to such clubs, you should know by instinct the way their mind perceive things. Though it may be hard to judge what really goes on in their heads.

You may find yourself wasting your time arguing with the bouncer for not letting you in the club because of your footwear. You ought to know that they would indeed refuse because you are wearing flip-flops. Always remember that no matter how fancy or elegant your flip-flops are, they are still not allowed. As patron of such clubs you should understand that clubs don't like to be in a bad situation. They are avoiding potential lawsuit because of flip-flop related accidents such as slipping on their floor because of spilled drinks and breaking some limb. They are careful in this sort of things because as a bar owner their reputation is always on the line.

Wallet is the only thing that club owners want their customers to bring. That is why you should be discouraged on wearing baggy clothing. Those deep pockets and heavy sweatshirts have the potential of concealing liquors, drugs, and weapons; even if you are a peace loving person club owners will not risk it by allowing you to enter their club. One thing that club owners avoid is violence.

Wearing jerseys and printed shirts are discouraged by club owners. They will definitely refuse someone wearing one to enter their clubs. The possible reason behind this gang-related. A lot of gangs wear clothing with their logo on it. Gang rivalry always ends up in violence and clubs don't like violence. But even though what you're wearing is just a college logo or a logo of a team of some sport such as basketball and not a gang logo, the possibility of it attracting trouble is high. Especially when a person is intoxicated and he happens to despise the logo you're wearing, then spit out an insulting remark on you. This kind of scene is not good for the eyes of club owners. You can't blame them if they just want avoid such violence to happen.

A decent, safe, and peaceful club is what owners want. They are looking after the safety of every people in their club. When a club has a good reputation, a lot of people will come and that means more money will go in their pockets. To keep it that way they try the best they can to make their customer safe and comfortable while having a good time.

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