
The Most Beloved Classic Fantasy Novels And The People Who Wrote Them

By Jocelyn Davidson

Every literary genre has the names of at least one or two authors indelibly linked to it. These authors not only went on to inspire those who came after them but they also knew how to tell a good story themselves. Nobody can say for instance that they truly love the horror genre if they haven't yet read Mary Shelley's groundbreaking 'Frankenstein', for instance. Among the most popular and influential classic fantasy novels of all time are the books of two authors who were actually great friends as well.

Fantasy is a genre in which the stories revolve around a theme that is supernatural. It can be about magic or it can include characters that are mythical creatures such as fairies and unicorns. The genre is as old as humanity itself and many ancient epics from around the world fall into this genre. In fact, ancient myths and legends have often inspired later works.

The old myths and legends often influenced later authors. One of these was J. R. R. Tolkien, one of the most influential writers of the genre. Born in Bloemfontein, a city in what was to become South Africa, late in the nineteenth century, Tolkien grew up in England. He served in the British Army and was wounded while fighting in World War I. He became a professor of literature and taught at Oxford. He also edited and translated works from early English legends such as that of Beowulf.

However, it's for his writing that Tolkien is mostly remembered. His children's book 'The Hobbit', set in a mythical world of fairies, dragons and wizards and called Middle Earth, was a runaway success. To Tolkien's surprise, the story was very popular with adults too, so he wrote the sequel that would become one of the most popular epic novels of all time, 'The Lord of the Rings'.

While teaching in Oxford, Tolkien was great friends with another writer, C. S. Lewis. Of Irish extraction, Lewis was born in Belfast but spent much of his school years in England. Like Tolkien, he served in World War I and was wounded. He also became a respected academic, specializing in literature of medieval times and the Renaissance.

Lewis wrote many varied works of literature. Among these were works of science fiction. However, his most loved works are a series set in a fantasy world called Narnia, which is reached through a wardrobe. Lewis also found inspiration in legends from all over Europe but as a devout Christian, he also added some religious themes.

Both Tolkien's and Lewis' most well-known works were made into Hollywood blockbusters in recent years. These movies won the authors many new fans and the fantasy genre saw a huge revival. Today's modern classics include series by J. K. Rowling, George R. R. Martin and two writers who are also friends, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.

The growing popularity of the genre means that you don't have to search in the children's or sci-fi sections of your local library or bookstore to find fantasy books anymore. You'll now find them in their own dedicated section. You can also buy the books online and let yourself be transported to another world.

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