
Church Stage Lighting Design And Its Relevance

By Enid Hinton

Light is an important part of any type of architecture. A form is designed to be experienced in light. It is the brightness that brings out the beauty of a building. In the same way a building that shines less is almost inhabitable. Church stage lighting design best expresses the aesthetics and essential role of gleam in architecture.

A house of God is no ordinary building. It is built symbolically, whereby each of its structure is used to represent something. It is a social hub that gathers people thus the space is designed for masses. The function of a church is to gather people for worship and link them to their creator and aid in other religious functions.

The most crucial and exclusive structure in a house of God is the platform. It holds most important people like pastors and pope. These people are responsible in giving out commands stated in the bible to the mass. They inspire people be true and honest to God. Moreover, functions like choirs are also held at the platform before preaching initiates. This makes the stage lighting design a very important aspect during planning.

The most important part architects concentrate on is the light. It symbolizes greater control by the extreme being whom no one has seen. From the bible, it is stated that Jesus, son of God, is the radiance of the world and universe at large. The statement is emphasized by most church designs.

Brightness in a house of worship expresses how the platform will appear to the people inside. The walls in the house of worship can only change the space but not the form. Hence, a glowing church makes people perceive that they are close to God.

There are goals designers have in mind one being the aesthetic value. The house of worship and specifically the stage should be designed with a bigger space allowing proper movements and illumination. The beauty of it will automatically attracts a mass of people.

Secondly, they should still consider that too much brightness maybe harmful to the users of the space. It makes people not able to clearly distinguish objects around them. One cannot even read the bible at such a point. It will cause visual discomfort and can even harm the eyesight of the people.

Third is efficiency. The light employed should not be costly. It is advised to use energy saving sources or renewable ones like solar to cut on cost. This is especially during the night hours when there is not enough illumination to penetrate the church.

Church platform lighting design is therefore essential to ensure people stay comfortable and happy in the house of God.

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