
Explore Ireland With Beautiful Art Book By NY Travel Photographer

By Clyde Banosia

Traveling to Ireland would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience exploring everything from the scenic Wild Atlantic Way to the picture-postcard towns in the Lakelands and the sublime pleasures of cities like Dublin. But, it doesn't necessarily need to have all that travel and the attendant hassles. A NY travel photographer has been there and done all that.

The advantages are pretty obvious, considering that most people would be hard-pressed to take a jetliner across the Atlantic for a holiday. Not to mention the hassle of traversing the length and breadth of 26 different counties. It's now possible to skip all this pain and enjoy the same thrill of Irish holidays with an art book.

In fact, the book's buyers get to experience the holiday's best parts without the irksome things that need to be faced in person. The Cliffs of Moher in County Clare are among the country's most-visited tourist attractions. This also makes it a tourist trap that forces visitors to pay through the nose and survive parking woes, the gift shops and hordes of tour bus groups.

The art book offers no such pain and takes people straight to the towering cliffs looming over the Atlantic far below. Others may be enjoying the hospitality and heady liquor in Dublin's pubs, and will find it hard to head out to nearby tourist locations like Kilkenny. The prospect of riding on a train for a couple of hours is a bit of a pain for someone who's happy and drunk in a pub.

Someone flipping the pages of a book need experience no such pain. A turn of a page and the blink of an eye is all it takes to reach Kilkenny. No train tickets need be bought.

Consider the famed Blarney Castle in County Cork. Legend has it that anyone who kisses the Blarney Stone is blessed with eloquence, otherwise known as the gift of the gab. Well, find out if the same blessing comes with a kiss of an NY travel photographer's pictures of the Blarney Stone. Each one speaks a thousand words, so they are indeed gabby.

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