
3 Reasons Why Creative Writing Classes Matter

By Katie Arden

For those who are curious as to how one's college experience can be expanded, I believe attention should be brought to creative writing. These types of classes allow for such a level of creative freedom that other courses may not be able to rival it. If you're looking to enhance your writing abilities, maybe you'll take up this opportunity. For those who may not be as ready to jump at the chance, here are 3 talking points to help sway your decision on the matter.

To start off, creative writing classes help you to write in a number of ways. It's easy to say that this class will help you write short stories but there are so many other forms to consider as well. Even if you may not be a fan of poetry, classes like these may help you to not only learn about it but allow you to gain a stronger appreciation of poetry as a whole. What this means is that your knowledge of various writing styles will grow in due time.

Criticism is another reason why creative writing matters in a college classroom environment. For example, if you write a piece and recite it to the class, you may learn that some of your sentences are fragmented, or that the grammar may be off in certain places. These bits of criticism are not meant to deter you from future writing endeavors. In fact, you can be certain that these will be able to help you better understand how you can write more effectively.

There's also the matter of confidence that can come about through creative writing class. I believe that it's important to recognize how this type of class can help you understand where you are strongest, as well as the areas that need work. Sometimes you want to know what you do well, which is a factor that can come through with your writing. It's important to keep this in mind so that, in the long term, you'll be that much more willing to share your creations in class.

As you can see, there are a number of reasons why men and women alike take part in creative writing. For some, it's one of the most relaxing classes that allows them to flex their creative muscles in ways they couldn't otherwise. Others take in the experience and use it as a way to increase their writing abilities. Whatever the case may be, if you're the kind of person who's looking for something a bit different, a creative writing class can offer it.

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