
Buy New Murder Mystery Books Online

By Joanna Walsh

Many authors are choosing to publish their novels online today. New murder mystery books are constantly made available to avid fans. These fans cannot wait to enjoy the latest in a particular series and are always looking out for novels written by their favorite authors.

One of the reasons so many people seem to enjoy novels of this kind is because they become involved in solving a puzzle. The authors subtly drops clues enabling the reader to reach certain conclusions. The idea is to create as much suspense as possible and prevent the reader from guessing who the murderer is too early but at the same time offering them just enough information to keep them involved. Red herrings may be introduced too, as a way to misdirect the reader.

The plots are incredibly varied and sometimes the reader is introduced to the murderer immediately. The suspense comes from seeing inside the mind of the murderer. Many people love psychological thrillers where they gain insight into what makes people commit heinous acts. Other fans are armchair detectives who love the intellectual challenge of following clues and trying to decipher puzzles.

The sleuths in these novels vary considerably. They are women and men, and they come in all ages, from a Miss Marple to Harry Bosch. Some of them are handsome or beautiful and many of them have complex characters. Others are irascible old men with a taste for cigarettes and whiskey but with the sharpest of minds. Aspects of their personalities and their relationships with others are explored.

The arenas in which the murders take place are as varied as the sleuths that solve the mysteries. Hotels, country villages, conventions, in the street or on a road-trip, the world in which the story takes place is carefully chosen. It may also be set in a particular world such as that of horse racing or collecting art.

Today one can sign up for free emails on websites. These emails provide a way of finding out about novels that have been published recently, events, discounts and competitions. Experts give advice and guide readers towards making suitable choices.

What happens when a book one loves finally comes to an end? It is possible to get recommendations of novels written by the same author or others, based on what has already been read. Whether you enjoy reading old fashioned whodunits set in country villages or violent, disturbing novels set in cosmopolitan cities, there is something to suit every taste.

The best novels of this genre will keep readers guessing and yet offer realistic enough clues at just the right time. This keeps readers involved and makes them feel they are tracking along and yet does not reveal too much. Many new authors are releasing novels to appeal to readers of this genre. The selection is vast and the only question is exactly which one to select.

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