
All About The Magic Mountain Thomas Mann

By Lisa Cole

Finding a good book can be difficult because not so many books are captivating. However, there are certain books that were written in twentieth century that were so captivating and still are. The Magic Mountain Thomas Mann is one such work of writing. This book was first published in the month of November the year 1924 although the actual writing started twelve years before that is in 1912. Since then it has continued to receive a lot of accolade because of its captivating content.

The number of reasons that make this book a must read are many. For one it has a strong opening. The novel has a captivating beginning that just makes a ready want to continue reading. It also gives a hint at a situation that is interesting in addition to revealing the setting as well as time. In the beginning you are also introduced to the main character Hans Castorp along other players in this novel.

The book also has skilled language use. The language used is quite beautiful something that captivates anyone, who set their eyes on the book. The sentences move steadily like water making it an easy read. In addition to this, the sentences sound authentic; thus, creating a reality for the reader. The author has carefully chosen his words right so that anyone can read and understand what he is trying to pass across.

The other important reason why you should definitely read this novel is because of the rich description it has. Thomas Mann has offered readers a rich and powerful description of characters and events as they unfold as opposed to other novels where the description is usually blunt and boring. Therefore, when looking for quality reading, then this is most definitely the book for you.

The story has characters that are developed such that they seem real rather than a work of fiction. Thomas in his book has displayed the characters as being human and not just pure fiction in that he has clearly stated both their strengths and weaknesses. This is really what makes the story more interesting since you can be able to identify with each one of the characters.

In addition to this, the novel has dialogue that is memorable. Dialogue here has been used to bring out the personality of given characters. Dialogue has also been used to create tension as well as conflict between the different characters. It has also been used to cite different unfolding events; thus, making it even more memorable for the reader.

If you are looking for original, then this is the book for you. It has a story line that is hard to predict making it more interesting. Everything contained in this book is shouts originality from the plot, character development all the way to the concept behind the book; all are pure original works of art.

The conclusion is also fairly important. This novel has a conclusion that does not leave someone wondering, but instead a satisfying one. Therefore, you need not to worry about reading the entire book only to be disappointed at the very end.

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