
The Impact Of African Wildlife Photo Gallery In Nature Conservation

By Larry Kennedy

It is creature most stunning and alluring. It is one that possesses a great mind capable of dreaming beyond the stars. It descendant that occupies most of planet earth is so immersed with activities that it barely has time to breathe. This is man, and it has always been captivated with the wonders of nature. In its early attempts replication of scenes were done by hand thru painting. Now images are captured in a wink of an eye using a camera. Photography enthusiasts love to go shoot pictures for African wildlife photo gallery.

Modern life is a cacophony of sights and sounds. Neon lights in the city glitter all night long. People linger on the sidewalks trying to make sense of the traffic. Cars line up bumper to bumper slowly snaking to destinations. In the morning people take quick breakfasts and rush to office building for work. Delivery vans go door to door delivering goods.

With this unending hive of activities it is no wonder that humans get drained by the end of the day. Respite is urgently needed in order to replenish the body but for only a short duration. Weekend rest days are maximized with family and friends and are period for longer relaxations. Leisure time may be spent fixing things or engaging in hobbies.

Hobbies can be both short time and longtime depending on application and the person who is occupied in it. Short duration hobbies mostly include those like model making and tinkering with things. Long term hobbies usually involve collecting items or observing phenomena that lasts a lifetime. Stargazing and photography are two examples.

Mankind in its early stages and even at present are inclined to be captivated by the grandiose of mother earth and the universe. What is perceived to be pleasurable was captured through drawings and portrayals. Stick figures that depict hunting parties are etched inside caves the world over. The renaissance was the era when painting as an art reached its apex.

The most common subject in painting always has something to do with the natural world. Beautiful sceneries captivated the attention and the desire to copy it found full expression during the renaissance period. Great painting works were done during this period. At present these masterpieces are so expensive that only museums and super rich private collectors can acquire it.

The drawback with paintings is that it takes an artist with considerable skill to produce one and it took time as materials had to be prepared like easels, the surface medium, the brushes, and the paint. In certain point the imagery becomes inaccurate as the artist infuses imagery from the mind either to hide something or to accentuate something.

An optical device was invented that drastically change how a person captures imagery, the camera. In its infancy it was a bulky assortment of gadgets that got assembled on the spot. It was not yet portable. Images had only two colors, ebony and ivory. Emerging technology made the device smaller and portable and the processing of film became automated.

Modern cameras are highly sophisticated devices with replaceable lenses and microprocessors. Storage has increased a thousand fold with the use of memory chips that store digital data. Film is no longer a necessity in image reproduction. The youth of today make use of cellular phones and other media to capture faces and posting it on the net. It can be copied easily using computer programs.

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