
The Importance Of Play Therapy

By Charles Hughes

Children will have many problems to deal with, just like adults do. Even very young children will struggle in one way or another. It is important for parents to notice a change in behaviour or certain signs that stand out. Sometimes, this will be a stage, but often it can drag on. Play therapy is something that has been very successful and many parents have been encouraged by this.

A lot of parents think that their kids get angry or throw tantrums because this is just part of their personality. However, there are reasons why some children become more volatile. Kids sometimes are very frustrated because there is a problem in their lives which parents are not aware of. Kids don't know what this is either, but they are definitely frustrated about it.

Often, parents will merely think that it is a stage or they are going through a time where they are becoming naughty and it can be difficult to discipline them. This is where they will go to a therapist, and they will find out more about the situation. A tantrum, for example can relate to a lot of things in a child's life. This is often a way of a child expressing their frustration, anger or sadness.

However, this is a lot that a play therapist can do for a child so that they become more confident. The reasons they are reserved is possibly an incident in their lives which they need to deal with. It can be a divorce between the parents. It can be a death of a relative which obviously has an impact on them.

An example of this is where they are drawing something. It is the colours that they use and how long they take to complete the project. They are honest at what they do, if you compare them to an older person. This is how they begin to communicate and often it is a cry for help. They may draw their home without windows or doors. This is a sign of some form of abuse.

Sometimes, they are involved in imaginary play. This is where emotions are involved. Therapist begin to get a better idea of what is happening with the child. They can begin to ask questions, but are obviously careful about not pushing them too far. The signs also come out in their drawings and paintings. Children are very often during the creative process.

Children don't usually have control over the situation. This is something that frustrates them more. They obviously don't want their parents to get divorced, and this can lead to a whole new set of emotions. They may be feeling ashamed of themselves, thinking this is their fault. The therapist will pick this up as they progress over the sessions.

It is important to focus on the relationship. This is what any good therapist will do. Not two children are the same and they will connect with the therapist at different rates. There are various factors that come into play. The therapist has various methods and techniques that they will use. It can be a long process, depending on the personality of the child and how trusting they are. An experienced therapist will know how to reach these goals.

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