
Painting Tips For Newbie Painters

By Frank Hamilton

No human creature can possibly live life without doing something that makes them feel alive inside. Life is made up of so many challenges and problems so it is important to find something that would make one forget of things that bothers them and stresses them out. One of most effective way to loosen up would be through art especially painting where the feeling that are not expressed through words may be translated to colors and shapes that mirrors either happiness, sadness, excitement, anguish and more. Subjects that are visible on canvas may vary but one of most common are Coastal Canvas Prints knowing how pretty and peaceful they are to look at.

Though people who has passion to such area are quite not given enough chances, it can not be denied how extremely talented they are. And so, other people that have not really tried doing such an activity but wants to express themselves are often curious how would it feel being there and doing it. Painting class can be of help for those who are interested but for self help purposes, below would be few tips that may help to start the new hobby.

Materials are everything when it comes to either drawing and painting. As an artist, make sure to choose medium that one feels comfortable using. So many mediums that are up for great use, all would depend on personal choice and preference, whatever floats the boat deserves to go have a try on.

For beginners, watercolors, acrylic paints, oils paints anything may be chosen. Watercolors are often cheaper compared to the other materials, this can cost as low as twenty dollars to a hundred dollar tops. Though, for such material, special papers are required, those that does not wrinkle when liquid touches its surface.

If looking for something that is less messy then acrylic paints are perfect since they dry immediately. However, because it is water based, it can easily be wiped when exposed to water so using it would mean being extra cautious. Oil paints are expensive, compared to the other two, this one would cost a bigger amount but it also is one with the best quality as its shade are pretty rich and when it dries it looks exactly like what it was when it was wet.

Aside from these materials, of course brushes are also important and plays a huge role to the finish product. And, one must remember that each medium has a suitable brush. Watercolor should go hand in hand with the round ones, acrylic is perfect with the synthetic bristles and oil paint are for synthetic mix with the fiber tip.

When the materials are all settled then time to look for some inspiration. Go out and explore if one must. That way an individual would have an idea what subject is perfect for them and looking at something is easy that imagining the things that one wants to draw.

No rules when painting, whatever shape and color is in mind, do so. Nothing is considered ugly, all are masterpieces because it is made up of pure effort and emotion. It would as well be great to start with abstract ones.

However, for color combination, a slight background knowledge about color wheel is helpful. One can easily mix up two or more colors to create the shade or hue one needs. Though, if not familiar with this one, it can be searched through the web for visual representation.

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