
Preparing For Pow Wows 2019 Attendance

By William Thomas

Culture is important to everyone. It is important that you learn your origin and the activities people in your community used to do during ancient times. Reading about your history is not enough because you need to see the theory parts in practical. Cultural events are meant to Train the new generation about the events that used to take place during the times of their forefathers. Communities view such ceremonies as sacred and anybody attended them should have the same perspective. They are usually carried out on a specific day or days depending on the tribes participating. Check the community calendar to know when the next event is taking place. When preparing for the function, it is important that you carry the necessary items. Go with expectations to learn new beliefs. This blog post outlines the etiquette you need to have when attending pow wows 2019.

You ought to dress right for the occasion. Check pictures of how gents and ladies dress during the party. Avoid skinny dresses and provocative skirts. Hats, swimsuits, and t-shirts with funny logos and writings are discouraged. Carry a shawl to cover your shoulders especially during the sacred activities like prayers. Choose colorful clothing to fit the occasion.

Pay attention to what the announcer or master of ceremonies has to say. It is the role of the master of ceremony to direct the audience. They will tell you when to dance, take pictures, and settle down. If they are using the native language, ensure you have someone to interpret for you. In most events, they have two or more announcers who use different languages.

Remember to stand up when needed. It is mandatory for everyone in the crowd to raise during the grand entry. The master of ceremony will announce when the activity will take place. People who have physical challenges are allowed to sit, but the rest should stand. Standing is a sign of respect to the dancers.

Know where to sit for you to have a clear view of the events taking place during the day. Remember that there are seats that have been reserved for special guests, singers, drummers, and dancers. They will usually label these areas to avoid confusion. The grounds you are stepping on is blessed and sacred.

Positivity is encouraged throughout the event. If you see something that you do not agree with, you are not allowed to raise critics. Hold your horses until you leave the venue. Remember that the grounds are holy. Religious leaders conducted a spiritual ceremony beforehand. People from these tribes will also warn you in case you raise something negative. Keep negative thoughts to yourself.

Do not bring firearms, drugs, or alcohol to a pow wow. Tobacco is allowed as it can be used as gifts or blessings. Smoking is disrespectful. Be sure to follow the right protocol and your common sense when taking photos. Never shoot pictures during gourd dances, flag songs, or prayers.

The dancers and other active participants you see are after making money. They view the event as a source of income. You ought to respect them and obey the provided orders. When taking snaps with drummers or singers, ensure that you have their consent. Most of them will not like people taking photos with them. Use your camera only when it is necessary.

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