
With ADHD Dallas Patients Need A Balanced Treatment Program

By Henry Allen

Attention deficit disorder, or ADD as it is more commonly known, afflicts more people than is generally realized. Unfortunately, there is still a widespread misconception that people with ADD are just lazy, stupid, willful or deliberately rude. As a result, children with this condition are often excluded from group activities and they easily become loners. The fact is that this is a known condition and various forms of treatment are available. When treating ADHD Dallas therapists concentrate on helping their patients to cope with live.

Not all ADD patients suffer from the same symptoms but there are common signs that should alert parents. Most sufferers cannot concentrate for long. They fidget and are restless. Many of them sometimes talk incessantly and many others experience serious mood swings. Aggressive behavior is also very common, as is anti social tendencies. Many sufferers also struggle to see the relationship between existing and new information.

It is a common misconception that ADD is treated by means of drugs such as Ritalin. These drugs are not suitable for all patients and can cause severe side effects that can lead to other health problems. Another drawback is that no combination of drugs can manage all the symptoms common with those suffering from ADD. In some cases drugs do help, however, but not when used as the sole treatment method.

Therapists often support the use of drugs, but not as the sole solution. They prefer a more holistic approach that concentrates on the lifestyle of the patient. Exercise, for example, is deemed a vital component of any treatment program. Patients need to exercise daily. The Serotonin and Dopamine released during exercise help patients to concentrate for longer and it makes them experience a feeling of well being.

Another important part of the treatment plan is to make sure that the patient goes to bed and get up within a fixed routine. Many patients suffer from insomnia and this sometime aggravates the other symptoms. Patients must also make sure that their rooms are dark and that there is no television or any other device that can distract them. Silence in the bedroom is also important.

Diet is also vitally important. Many patients do not eat for many days on end and thereafter they go on a binge of eating junk food. They need to eat at least six smaller meals every day. Each meal should contain fresh vegetables and fruit, some protein and omega fatty acids. This will help them to maintain constant energy levels and improve their concentration. Sugar and alcohol is absolutely taboo.

ADD sufferers often have to deal with constant rejection. That is why they need counseling. They need to learn how to recognize their symptoms and how to deal with it in a positive manner. They need to learn ways in which they can control aggression and to improve their social skills. It is also important to have an objective and sympathetic ear that will listen to the frustrations and problems of the patient.

People suffering from ADD need not be excluded from participating as full and respected members of society. The condition can be managed and controlled. Ongoing treatment is essential, however, since this condition cannot be cured. Apart from treatment, patients also benefit greatly if they enjoy the support of their loved ones.

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