
People Engaged In Criminal And Related Activities

By Steven Richardson

Police are the people who nab the criminals and present them before courts. Those people are always on the lookout of criminals. Their duty is to keep the common people in safety. There shall be police stations at various places which accept complaints from people. People can approach them for raising various concerns regarding theft, burglary, physical assault etc. Eluding NJ police can lose ones driving licence from six months to two years.

There can be different types of people. Some people are always engaged in doing good. Whereas there might be others who are always engaged in doing bad things and earning money from wrong ways. Those people would be engaged with all sorts of crimes, theft, burglary etc. So these guys shall be always on the run. Those folks are afraid of police and expects to be caught by them sooner or later.

Some governments do favour only to certain sections of the people or else give more favour to some sections of people. This is based on prior voting percentage, people supporting the party, people belonging to certain religions etc. In many government departments, only people belonging to certain political parties are given employment. These could be taken to court and debated.

These can lead to a sense of anger and depression. This will prompt the person to steal. At first it may be to survive. Initial stealing would be food items. Later it will lead to other items. Even if police catches these guys, it would not worry them. This is because food will be available in jails.

Corrupt people who are usually engaged with crime and related activities will have good money and also have good contacts with higher officials. These bad guys sometimes threaten good officers to prepare reports in their favour. If that is not done, those people and their families are physically harmed by those gangs.

Taking a case to bench brings in much stress and tension. If there is property related case with relatives, then all the parties must appear in the court for hearing. This will widen the gap between the relationships. Also all people would not be able to go for work on that day. Then money has to be spent on lawyer fees, food, transportation and related activities.

Few individuals live a lavish life after the robbery. Those groups book suites in big hotels and live a posh life for two to three months. Once their money is finished, would be back to square one. Again indulges in crimes. A bad guy cannot escape from police forever. One or two times these people can be successful. But the third time those guys may be caught.

Due to costs and stress attached to various cases, many people prefer settling cases out of judicial premises. This happens more in property and road related cases. People who are quite aware that there is a possibility to lose the case, can go for outside court settlement. This saves much money and time for both parties.

Women officer who has to report to work on night duties feels very irritated. These officers will not be able to spend good time with their children and it affects their morale. In some countries due to less staffs, officers would have to provide guard for dead bodies at remote places in the night. Sometimes officers would meet with sexual atrocities from their higher officials also.

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