
Why The Renaissance Acrylic Paintings Are Better Than Oil Paintings

By George Ward

When you are a novice at painting, you will need to choose between acrylic and oil paintings. Picking a medium need not be hard if you understand your abilities. Each of the mediums has its pros and cons. Here, the article looks at the reasons why you may end up doing Renaissance acrylic paintings instead of the oil paintings.

Acrylics allow painters to break with some traditions of having to work on limited surfaces. This is because it works well on anything all from canvas, unlike other paints that only work best on wood, canvas, and some fresco. Oil paint is long lasting only when done on wood panels of or primed canvas. Therefore, if your aim is to work with any surface, then acrylic medium is your choice due to its versatility.

Your speed of painting is also an essential factor. If at all you are a quick painter, you need a medium that dries fast enough to allow you to revise your work. Acrylic dries faster than oil; hence, good for a fast painter. Oil may be good for you in case you are slow and will not mind factoring in some time for priming the canvas.

Are subtle blends better than hard lines for you? Whatever you prefer between the two will determine what paint to use. If you love graphic compositions, then acrylic would do better because you can rework on the painting faster and come up with clean and bright work. However, since the paint dries up faster, then you may find it hard to blend and in that case, you may need to go for oil, which blends easily with colors. However, you will have to wait longer for oil to dry.

If at all you are concerned about color shift, then you ought to be careful on the paint of choice. With acrylics, you can somehow be sure that your painting will look the same some years to come since it is made with high technology designs. On the other hand, oil paintings contain binder that makes the painting appear yellow with time. The polymer in acrylics prevents this, but the work may get darker as it dries when the white binder gets clearer.

Another thing that determines what medium to use is the thickness you desire with your painting. In case you prefer thick layers, acrylics would be better since it dries faster; hence, you can add the glaze as soon as possible. However, if you have all the time to complete your work, then you could go for oil, which takes some few days to dry before you can add the glaze.

In case you have to do with a small workspace or around children, then acrylics would work better for you. This is because it does not smell. Similarly, it is not toxic and is easy to clean with water. The thinners and turpentine in oil produce some bad fumes.

Well, the major factor of concern when choosing a medium between the two is the time. If you need to work faster, you may need to go for acrylics. Beyond time, you will need to choose a medium that best suits your needs and preferences.

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