
Humorous Life Lessons Can Be Fun

By Lelia Hall

People everywhere should learn how to laugh at every bad situation which happens. Humorous life lessons can be very educational for every individual living upon this planet. Many German people have all heard about a young woman who committed a strange murder.

She was currently working for a female employer but desperately wanted to work for a male. Even though she had been at this company for ten long years it seemed as though there was no advancement. This situation made her really hate other females and she wished that every other woman would just disappear.

She never got along with her mother and even danced upon the woman's grave when she died from cancer. From that point on this lady and her dear father would spend all of their time together. This was the best part of her life until one day this older man was introduced to an erotic older woman.

He and the new woman began a passionate relationship which would go on for a short time. He no longer needed his daughter's company once the older woman came into the picture. The older male was very horny and this new female could fulfill all of his desires.

His daughter was angry about her dad's decision and wanted to truly teach him and this new woman a good lesson. This was the final straw for her since she was always being nagged by women at work and was now facing a future step mother. One night she went over to her father's house to cook dinner but unfortunately his new girlfriend had already prepared him a good hot meal.

He wanted Vivian in every way possible and wished that his daughter would go and find a man of her own. The older man felt that she needed a good male who would take her out to dinner and home to bed. Unfortunately the male's offspring refused to listen to his advice and she continued to interfere with his life. His girlfriend even tried to talk to the young woman about her strange behavior.

After getting off from work the girl headed over to her father's house once again. He did not answer the door when she rang the doorbell and this made her upset. She proceeded to do odd things to the house before releasing water over the entire lawn. Her father's girlfriend came out to face the stubborn child and things really turned ugly at this point.

This confrontation made the young woman very angry and she could not control her emotions. In an instant she was holding a garden tool over the old woman's head. This once spirited old hag was now laying on the ground in a pool of blood and the police were on their way. This young woman went through a quick trial and finally ended up in prison. But at long last she is now employed by a male prison warden.

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