
The Path To Salvation For Humankind

By Lelia Hall

God expects us humans to worship him daily and live in accordance with his principles. However, most individuals search for gratification from earthly things forgetting that the ultimate satisfaction lies in living according to God's ways. Man began leading this kind of life when Adam and Eve fell into sin; therefore he created a path to salvation to get humans back to his ways.

He says in order for man to go to Heaven man must be born again. That is why Jesus said that whoever wants to get to the father must get through Him. He also told Nicodemus that he must be born again to see the kingdom of God. Salvation gives man the opportunity to reconcile with God through Jesus Christ.

The Bible says that accepting Jesus requires one acknowledge their sinful nature and be ready to follow him. All men are guilty of sin because we have fallen short below the Glory of God. Therefore, he sent Jesus to be our advocate and redeem us from the bondage of sin.

Living a sinful life that glorifies our sinful nature leads us to condemnation of death. Sin is a separator that creates a barrier between us and God making us destined for hell. However, if we accept Jesus into our lives, we are destined to eternal life. The Bible adds to this hope since it tells us how Jesus was sacrificed as the only Son of God to die for our sins.

The Bible mentions Jesus as the only Son of God whom he sent to free mankind from the bondage of sin that the man had succumbed. In the past, before Jesus came to the world, animal blood was used to atone for the sins of men. But in the recent years, that changed because, Jesus carried the cross and was crucified on it just for our sake. He had to undergo torture and be killed to bring back restoration of the relationship between mankind and God.

Salvation is a clear testimony of the love of the Lord to human beings. Deliverance is the best way that man would live a life free from the bondage of sin. We cannot fully understand how God operates, but we know that His love for us is more than anything we can compare by worldly standards. Salvation offers hope in the times of distress. It gives faith to the faithless and restores broken relationships.

Paul, one of the greatest apostles of all time, is a living testimony of the wonders of salvation. It took the repentance for Paul the apostle to become the greatest preachers and missionaries that spread the word of God. After the resurrection, Jesus made it clear to the disciples to go to the world and preach the gospel of salvation to every corner of the world.

Lastly, it takes one to be cleansed with the blood of Jesus in order to have a fresh relationship with God. With that, we can easily communicate with God through prayer and live an eternal life. We have to accept the fact that we are sinners and surrender ourselves to Jesus.

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