
How To Play Kings Cup

By Christophe Lobato

Looking for a new sort of drinking game? Possibly one with a royal twist? The Kings cup drinking game may be just what you're looking for if the goal is fun and inebriation. The basic set of rules, though varying from place to place, are simple and require few tools: a deck of cards spread in a circle, a cup placed in the center of the card circle (the King's cup), and each member's beverage of choice along with enough cups for each player.

Two: Put the spotlight on another player and choose him or her to take a drink.

Ace: When an ace is drawn, a "waterfall" is prompted. All players drink. The player who drew the card must stop drinking for the person on his or her left to stop. The third person in line can not stop until the second person has stopped and so on until the last person is finally allowed to stop drinking.

Two: The drawing player chooses a person to drink. Some variations on Kings drinking game rules take the two card to mean the drawer picks two to drink.

Five: The men go bottoms up with their beers.

Five "Five Means Guys" The men need to drink on this card.

Five: All the men must drink since "five means guys."

Eight: Draw an eight and choose another player that must take a drink every time that you have to drink.

Seven: The drawing player must throw their hand up in the air or "point to Heaven." The other players must follow suit and the last must take a drink.

Eight: The drawing player must choose another player who has to take a drink every tie the drawing player does as "eight means date."

Jack: Play a game of "Never Have I Ever" with three or five fingers. At some point, a person is going to run out of fingers, and they'll have to take a drink.

Jack "Never Have I Ever" Based upon house rules, players hold up a number of fingers. The group then plays "Never Have I Ever" until a player loses all of their fingers. From there, that player takes a drink. Some groups might continue until one person still has fingers.

Jack: A game inside a game! Players will play "Never Have I Ever", holding up three or five fingers. The drawing player states something they haven't done and any player who has done it must put down a finger. The game continues to the left after each round and the person who puts all their fingers down first must take a drink.

Ace: Here's where the waterfall starts. Everyone starts drinking, and the player that drew the card can decide when to stop drinking first. At that point, the person on their left can stop when they please. This drinking train keeps going until the last person can stop drinking.

King: When the first three kinds are drawn, those players must pour a bit of their drink into the cup in the center of the ring of cards (the King's Cup). When the last king is drawn, that person has to drink the entire contents of the King's Cup.

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